Grassland and Plains have a new rocky texture to help the hills stand out. * Jungles and Forests have new scattering to appear more denseįOW textures updated to reflect all the new terrain textures * Jungles utilize new decals and textures for existing geometry * Deciduous trees added to regular forests with new textures and geometry * New geometry and ArtDef settings for all the forests, including lower end systems * Ocean Floor Decals have a Base Color map change to match lighter sand of Civ V * Ice Chunk texture reworks for Base Color and Normal maps For larger mod projects, visit this link. Use the main Civ5 Creation forum for questions & requests. Please dont open a new thread if you dont have file to post This rule also applies to ALL other files forums below. * Noise scale increases on Ocean (Deep and Shallow) as well as Lakes Modpack creators can post their completed creations here. Modified Water Density, Water Scatter to match Civ V palette: Will not affect multiplayer games and you can still play normal (un-modded) single player. Local Mod Affects single player only when you enable it (through in-game Mods menu). It will be always on both for single and multiplayer (the game will treat it as DLC). Modified all terrain textures including height, base color, and gloss maps: There are 2 versions of NQ Mod: DLC Mod Affects all games - single and multiplayer. * Adjusted the image curves to create a bit more contrast and match the overall look of Civilization V. * Reduces saturation of building and units. It's an example of how much you can change the visuals and I hope it provides inspiration to try your own modifications." I was challenged by the team to create an expansive mod using Mod Buddy, and this was the end result. Compatible with every release, up to Gathering Storm. Changes include multiple terrain texture modifications with more Civ V like details, a color key that puts the buildings and units into a more neutral palette, along with a number of other small changes. You can help the Civilization Wiki by upgrading it."This example mod changes the visuals of the game to better match the colors and tones of it's predecessor, Civ V. Modiki, the Civilization Modding Wiki, hosted by CivFanatics.

Lua Unofficial Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).The 2K Games Civilization V Wiki on Lua Game Objects.Modders Guide to Civilization V – A large PDF document describing the basics of modding.Making use of the Steam Workshop is the easiest way for players to mod their games. The developers also offer free tools, downloadable via Steam, for modding. Units and such have their parameters defined in XML files and there is lots of the actual gameplay logic in the lua files. Civilization V provides exceptionally good modding facilities. Modding, short for modifying meaning: taking the game and modifying it to better suit your own tastes.