Some of these new NPC are guards, faction members, or just commoners. This mod will add 36 new marriage candidates to the game, half who are female and half who are male. The modder took incredible care - adding lines by the same voice actor in new places where they make sense and even cutting together several lines by one actor to form new phrases It adds more than 5000 lines of dialogue for spouses and other characters and changes their conversational behaviours. The Relationship Dialogue Overhaul mod takes a stab at solving this marriage-gone-stale problem.

You are also able to divorce and remarry as many times as you like Skyrim: 15 Best Marriage, Spouse & Family Mods(Custom You can only marry the NPCs whom you were able to marry before. A mod allowing you to marry up to 11 NPCs (male or female). Originally made available for Skyrim by joeThinkStudios and ilhe. Request: To create a working multiple marriage mod that is compatible with multiple hearthfire adoptions and Amazing Followe. It is also incompatible with Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. It would seem that mod author has left the project.

A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Multiple Marriage Mod - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Requests: Background: Currently there is a Multiple Marriage Mod that seems to be outdated/not working.

View Entire Discussion (5 Comments) r/skyrim. Simple divorce mod lets you get divorced. Considered an overhaul of the marriage system in Skyrim this mod will likely conflict with any other Mods that make changes. The idea of this mod, is to bring the Dragonborn and their Spouse more close together and have a much more robust and interactive experience within the marriage system. Now it doesn't matter if you want to marry multiple people at once or just make marriage feel better - this is the mod to get This mod is designed to enhance the current marriage system in Skyrim specifically the Wedding Scene at the Temple of Mara, fix various marriage related bugs, and add mechanics to remarry. The marriage mod also aims to fix many of the bugs that marriage has in base-game Skyrim, improving little tweaks that you'll notice as you play with it.