Supreme commander forged alliance cybran
Supreme commander forged alliance cybran

Should the Proto-Brain be destroyed, it will reappear at the Proto-Brain complex (for free) and be ready to relaunch in about 20 seconds. Note that this boost will actually increase the rate of experience acquired by your units, and hence also increase your research points.

supreme commander forged alliance cybran

It additionally boosts the veterancy rates of units that are in the surrounding area during battle by four points.

supreme commander forged alliance cybran

While detached, the Proto-Brain is capable of defending itself through utilising several ground-targeting beams. It is capable of detaching from the Complex, becoming an independent, mobile unit. It mounts to the top of the Complex, and provides a boost to the research capabilities of the Complex. The Proto-Brain is produced as a result of the Complex. The Cybran Proto-Brain Complex is an experimental research facility comprised of two components: the Complex and the Proto-Brain.

Supreme commander forged alliance cybran